Friday, February 20, 2009


The best overall approach to ski tuning and maintenance is to establish a season long maintenance program. A regular ski maintenance program will also give you a better experience on race day. It is important to train the way you race and to race the way you train. Caring for your skis can give you a distinct advantage over competitors. Keep the tuning & maintenance process as simple & uncomplicated as possible so you can reproduce winning results time and again.

Daily maintenance:
Allocate 20-30 minutes per day, per pair (assuming 0 damage) to maintain your skis.

1. Dry off your skis and binding/plate combination

2. Use a brass brush, tip to tail, to clean out the ski’s structure of wax & dirt.

3. Use a Fibertex-like pad from tip to tail to “re-fresh” the structure.

4. Perform a wax & hot scrape cleaning (cleans dirt from base every day); scrape and brush while hot.

5. Apply training wax, scrape your edges and sidewalls of wax; let cool.

6. Using your side edge file guide, re-polish all 4 side edges (medium to fine diamond stones as well as polishing stones).

7. Scrape, brush, scrape, followed by a light pass with fibertex and fiberlene.

8. Apply training wax, scrape your edges and sidewalls of wax; let cool overnight.

9. Scrape, brush, scrape followed by a light pass with fibertex before training. Use protective straps for base and edge protection for transport from wax room to slopes.

10. Repeat every day!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

If you can tune a fish you should tune a ski

Why tune a ski? - fair question and besides what difference will it make if you’re not a ski racer..... well truth be told, not everyone needs a World Cup finish, but a every skier and boarder (there are a few out there) will benefit from a tune using the same principles as in the big leagues, Early season is a great time to get your skis or board off to your local reputable ski service provider to have the bases restructured and waxed and the edges cleaned, shaped and sharpened before the season hits in full swung. Having your skis/ board initially tuned or reconditioned at the start of the season will make it much easier to care for them throughout the year. some fodder to consider...... Proper ski / board maintenance will give you a better experience each and every day on the slopes and will prolong the life of your equipment. Be sure to keep the tuning & maintenance process as simple and uncomplicated as possible. Be consistent. next time .... your daily 10 step program.