Friday, February 20, 2009


The best overall approach to ski tuning and maintenance is to establish a season long maintenance program. A regular ski maintenance program will also give you a better experience on race day. It is important to train the way you race and to race the way you train. Caring for your skis can give you a distinct advantage over competitors. Keep the tuning & maintenance process as simple & uncomplicated as possible so you can reproduce winning results time and again.

Daily maintenance:
Allocate 20-30 minutes per day, per pair (assuming 0 damage) to maintain your skis.

1. Dry off your skis and binding/plate combination

2. Use a brass brush, tip to tail, to clean out the ski’s structure of wax & dirt.

3. Use a Fibertex-like pad from tip to tail to “re-fresh” the structure.

4. Perform a wax & hot scrape cleaning (cleans dirt from base every day); scrape and brush while hot.

5. Apply training wax, scrape your edges and sidewalls of wax; let cool.

6. Using your side edge file guide, re-polish all 4 side edges (medium to fine diamond stones as well as polishing stones).

7. Scrape, brush, scrape, followed by a light pass with fibertex and fiberlene.

8. Apply training wax, scrape your edges and sidewalls of wax; let cool overnight.

9. Scrape, brush, scrape followed by a light pass with fibertex before training. Use protective straps for base and edge protection for transport from wax room to slopes.

10. Repeat every day!

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